SEApunks X

SEApunks Y
Plastic-Free Summer "Blue-Listing"
Donate or simply signup here between now and the last day of summer 2022

Are you a SEApunk for SEAchange?
An NFT collection with a purpose. Get Blue-listed to this NFT before they all disapear!
Only 1,100 "Blue-List" SEApunk.NFT available in this offer.
A 50/50 NFT - We are asking for 50% of all Resales to be donated back to Plastic Symptoms, Inc
501(C)(3) Florida Non Profit
Every donation will help keep our coastal communities clean
A total of 2 x 1,100 UNIQUE and FAIR mint smart contract NFT collectible token (ERC721).
NFT minting "Blue-List" will end when all 1,100 SEA punk NFTs have been claimed.
After this "Blue-Listing period:
Each "MINT" remaining will cost a nominal amount of ETH donated to the contract address held by Plastic Symptoms, Inc
The Donation amount to be set after September 22nd at approx $50-$100 Donations to this address will be used as a General purpose donation for our cleanup projects.
This SEApunks.NFT project is a badge of support and a one of a kind piece of digital art to show off to your friends and family.
We THANK YOU! our community for taking the time to view this project and consider minting a SEApunk of your own. Just remember there is a limited supply.
See our Roadmap for complete details.
(Link Roadmap Coming Soon).
Terms and Conditions for all our projects can be found at the bottom of every webpage as
"Terms of Use and Disclaimer".